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How to Not Write a Book

2022, Nonexistent Publishers

While the market is flooded with books on How to Write a Book, How-to-Not-Write-a-Book books are in short supply. Wanting to remedy this paucity of information, spoke with one of the world's leading Not-Writing-a-Book experts, who agreed to share her techniques with us on condition of anonymity.

What is the best way to not write a book?

The first thing to do is anything else you can possibly dream up. Clean the house, replant the garden, scrape the 3-year-old moss build-up off your driveway. Take your clothes to the tailor for mending, or better, repair them yourself, slowly. Update your address book, reorganise your desk, sort your bookshelves using the Dewey Decimal System.

If you finish these tasks and finally have a spare moment to start writing, use it instead to reconnect with everyone in your updated address book, then cook and freeze dinners for the next 6 months, buy a new freezer, get a new puppy, train your new puppy, and once that is done, reread all your past writing attempts from high school no matter how trivial.

If, in spite of using these techniques, you notice that you are about to start writing your book, immediately read a How-to-Write-a-Book book. Avoid like the plague any good ideas you might find and certainly do not put any of them into practice. I recommend The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron, which inspiringly reveals that anyone with the desire can write a book, and provides exercises to do instead of writing one.

After reading The Artist's Way, you may be tempted to sit down and start writing. That is the time to realise you need a new computer. Do not think about how people managed to write books before computers. After extensive time-consuming research, get the new computer. Then, carefully ignoring any little voice saying you should now really start to write, take some time to learn about software packages like Scrivener that help you organise the writing you haven't done. Worry it will take too long to download the software, or that it won't work for your particular project and could therefore be a waste of time. Ponder that for a few weeks.

If, against all odds, you still manage to write what might pass for a rough draft, it's still entirely possible to not write a book. Simply get stressed looking at the numerous unrelated sections to the draft, while staring at it in confusion for awhile. If you realise that some research is needed, remind yourself: That's too much work. Try to revise without doing any research. Get a sick feeling in your stomach at the inadequacy of the draft. Let your confidence slide as low as possible. Fret over what other people will think of your ideas. Get down on yourself for your lack of tenacity and motivation.

Continue along the path of procrastination. Call Lino at Slimsonic to discuss the ultrasonic belly-melt belt. He may say he's surprised that you, unlike him, have time to exercise for one hour every day. Don't be embarrassed. Just tell him how hard you work. That should put him in his place. After all, not everyone can work in an office. Some of us have to stay home and not write books.

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Feb 16, 2023

This is actually so helpful for procrastination of any kind... not just for not writing a book. Thank you for this wonderful, not to mention well written, article. 🙏


Dec 24, 2022

May I have Lino’s number? Honestly this is the most intelligent and hilarious piece of writing I have read in a while. Imagine what a fantastic book it would be!

Jan 06, 2023
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I'll have to ask Lino if he's willing to share his belly-melt information for a Guest commenter. Possible if you sign up and I can see your real name Lino will be more likely to share his incredible wisdom with you! Otherwise you may be able to track him down at Slimsonic, it's in Switzerland. Sadly I have not used the belly-melt belt in months, but I may start again soon...! Thanks!


Nov 02, 2022

It’s so easy and common to write a book, but so much more complex and just plain harder not to write one. Brilliant exposé!

Nov 02, 2022
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She is a real inspiration. I am determined to continue my effort to not write a book. I think I can do it!


Kat Becker
Kat Becker
Oct 29, 2022

Very helpful book indeed!! I bet Julia Cameron would be so happy to know she helped inspire that! i would like to get a copy of that book because it would be useful with so many aspects of life! Kudos to they creative anonymous author!


Oct 28, 2022

Haha, you (sorry, your “world’s leading expert”) forgot to mention, “avoid conversations from well-intentioned friends who ask you how the writing is going and who encourage you to keep trying, what do those nosy busybodies know? Steer the discussion instead towards the incredible benefits of Lino’s Slimsonic ultrasonic belly-melt belt.”

Nov 02, 2022
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You're so right, it's very important to not get involved in conversations from busybodies (posing as friends) who offer encouragement with only one goal in mind: to help you write a book. Avoid them at all cost. Keep repeating: Lino is my only friend.

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